

This is puppster (Not his designated name). I found him half half dead, starving, dehydrated, his spine riddled with bite marks (rats), the skin on one of his hind legs and half his little tail ripped off and bleeding. This was on Monday evening, down our lane during my workout.

At first I thought it was a kitten and went over to pick him up for adoption, but it wasn’t so I picked him up anyway. He had a little cloth band around his neck and clearly he had been living somewhere first and then been dumped way down a lane so he couldn’t find his way back. I won’t even begin on what I think about the person who did this and what I feel they deserve.

We took puppster to the vet and got him checked up. He’s between 5-6 weeks old and the doc asked us to feed him and get his strength up before we treat him for any disease or illness. A couple of doses of milk with cerelac and a good nights sleep later,he was walking! The vet gave him a clean bill of health last evening and he’s been wormed,vaccinated, bathed and medicated. Another shot is due next month. We’re in 2 minds whether to adopt him or not. We have Luke who’s already a bit jealous. For the moment, I’ll be keeping him till he’s completely recovered and healthy. He’s a fighter this one! The pics below are of him now, full of life!

Game Mode – Resurrection

The diet has pretty much gone on the rocks the last 2 months and I refuse to wallow in self pity because it was the 2 most hectic months of my life. Period.

August was a complete no go with just 3 weeks to go before the wedding. I pretty much found myself running to fro appointments and once I hit home, was just too tired to walk 5Km. Post wedding, honeymoon and settling in period was a write off too. Particularly because we both wanted to enjoy our days off and not obsess over fitness. Did I mention the Waffle they serve for breakfast at the Grand in NE is divine? C is a Waffle and whipped cream convert since! 😀

Anyhow, enough with the excuses. I’m back on track, diet and exercise. Same regimen which is proving to be quite a test of will power. My tummy is rumbling in protest as I write and I’ve so far managed to come out unscathed from 2 meetings that had yum catered food. There’s a giant chocolate opera cake from Waters Edge that is being served in office as we speak. Today.is.hard. At least the workout last evening was good and has me motivated.

Objectives this time;

  1. Lose the 2Kg I gained over the last 2 months
  2. …and once accomplished, maintain,maintain,maintain.

Till next time.

Amaya Lake review and Nigella’s newest fan!

Amaya Lake was mediocre. We chillaxed and had some time to ourselves. Standards have plummeted since I was there last about 2 years ago. The rooms are not maintained well, the food is bad, the bathrooms horrendous. The setting and the ambling gardens however make up for all of this. We’d probably not book the place again for a vacay though.
Yesterday was my Father-in-law’s (FIL) b’day so both sets of rents and the siblings came over. The food was ordered out and I must say MAS holdings cooks up a mean pork chop! Yum! Things were nice and relaxed.
On a different note, C has developed a soft spot for Nigella Lawson. Can’t blame him though 😉 Probably something I have to deal with since he sits through her programmes with me often enough! Recently when making dinner, I threw in some baby potatoes skin and all into the dish and he promptly went “Ah!!! You’re copying Nigella!!!!” I didn’t know whether to be insulted or amused. I know another friend’s husband who gets engrossed in Nigella’s cooking programmes and pretty much all they show on Cable. It’s amusing to see men actually paying attention to cooking, even the shows hosted by male chefs. I love watching Nigella cook though. She makes cooking seem so effortless!
C’s b’day is in a month or so and I’m going to ask him what sort of cake he wants. I won’t be surprised if he asks me to check what Nigella has done before! 😀

Back to reality and then some

Being married is interesting. It’s fun to be around C all the time and we’ve slowly slipped into our own routine. There were a few hiccups here and there but they’ve all smoothed over. Settling into the new place as exciting as it was and still is, had me missing home considerably the first few days. I still do miss home and my parents, but my mums daily calls and our subsequent banter is comforting. C is turning out to be a gem around the house. Renowned for his cleaning skills, he’s completely taken over the cleaning and maintenance of the house and garden. Content with my contribution to help lift the sofa and coffee table. I often find my caretaker cum domestic walking around lookin forlorn for lack of work when C is in action.
Cooking has been fun and annoying at the same time. Figured out I have an intense dislike towards chopping onions and garlic coz they’re so annoying to peel and clean! Not fun when you have to do this regularly and in quantity! Fun because C totally loves my food and is quite happy being the taste guinea pig 🙂 We cook when we feel like it and just order out when we don’t. I use the term ‘we’ because as much as I do the cooking, C is equally supportive when I say I can’t.
Sometimes I can’t believe the wedding is over. The build up to it was so intense that the day after when I woke up and saw my bridal draped on chair with the veil cascading like some floaty marshmallow, I actually teared! I know emo! 🙂 but still for all, it’s almost surreal. I look at the pictures and everything is clear but not so clear. I remember seeing people but can’t for the life of me remember if I spoke to them coherently or not. I can’t remember what the food tasted like or what I ate or had on my plate… but things were beautiful and I wouldn’t change a moment of it. It was more fulfilling when we realised that we managed to pull this shindig off without getting stressed out about anything and without having anyone fly off the handle. Now the fun part is playing house and sometimes it really does feel that way! only the house is not a makeshift dolls one but considerably larger and with plusher accessories!
Nuptial joke of the wedding
At church during the exchange of rings.
Priest – C, give Cadence this ring as a symbol of fidelity etc etc
C – (in a panic) darling which hand? which hand??!!!!  (referring to my hand)
Me – Left! Left!
(Takes ring and all goes well, I sigh in relief)
Priest – Now Cadence give C this ring etc etc…)
C – (in a bigger panic) darling which hand? which hand???!!!!
Me – Sigh. Right hand darling. -_-  (Grabs hand and slips on ring)
Life is certainly interesting! 🙂

The wedding in pictures

Hello from the other side! 🙂

Life is hectic at the moment, moving and settling into the new place. We’re both on the last leg of our leave and works starts on Monday. It’s nice having our own place but I do miss home terribly at times. If not my mum, then I call home atleast once everyday! I used to laugh when my sis did this last year but the joke’s on me!

The wedding was blissful. It was literally perfect. The only thing I regret is not being able to dance the night away. We had to leave the hall at 11.10pm so by the time the table rounds and dinner was done, we barely had 20 mins to dance 😦 Apart from that, no complaints! I won’t even begin on how good the bridal looked and this will sound vain but, I have never felt prettier and more elegant than I did on our wedding day. Michael Wijesuriya, you are a legend!

Here are some pics as promised.  A proper post later 🙂