PS I Love You

A year ago for the 5th of Sept. my sweet gentle grandmum passed away at the Durdans ICU.

One minute she was taking her morning wash and the next she was collapsed on bed holding her back in pain. Everyday there was a new tube or machine willing her to live. Everyday there was a new complication. Everyday that ensued, I would make light of the situation when I visited her. Telling her she was being her usual batty self and taking the doctors for a ride. Her eyes lit up everytime she saw me walk in. The same eyes that I saw scared and confused when she was being wheeled alone into the ICU.

Everyday for 5 days I sat outside that ICU and prayed she came out of this ok. 5 days later we saw her aged body give up the fight. I watched as the monitor flat lined and my heavily sedated grandmum raggedly breathed her last. The doctors were very kind and accomodated our request that she not know or feel any pain. Seeing her so still in that baby pink night gown, it was hard to accept that this was it. 15 years as an amputee on a wheel chair and a lifetime battling chronic diabetes, a simple back sprain took her down. I still get a lump in my throat when I think about her and I achingly miss the beautiful gentle lady who brought us up with so much love and kindness.

I rest easy knowing that she is now in the best of hands. Free of all worldly limitations. 

I love you Aachchi. I always will.