Birthday Happenings

So C’s b’day came and went. I think I had more fun organizing it and throwing surprises at him over the period of a week or so than the b’day boy himself! šŸ™‚ However,every surprise backfired! in terms of timing that is :S Let me elaborate;

1). The b’day getaway – was planned 1 week before his b’day. The story was that it was our office annual trip and we had to head to Galle for 2 days with the families etc etc. The whole thing backfired when I realised that it was the Deepavali week and my caretaker was to go home a few days before. So I had to explain things to C and the cat was out of the bag. Sob.

2). The gift – again was supposed to be a surprise. Finally decided to get him a home theatre system coz he’d been pining for one for yonks. I go to Singer Mega, buy the gift, inspect sizeability to see if it can be smuggled into the house without him noticing, decide that it could be hidden under the guest room bed and go home with the box. I go home, lug the box inside only to find out that it infact could not be shoved under the bed :S I could have just locked the door or not said anything about it altogether – he’s a man afterall, I know the ladies reading this would probably be thinking. But, dear reader, my hub inspects the whole house daily as a security measure :S So I decided to take the bull by the horns and just tell C;

Me – “Here, don’t go into the guest bedroom okay, ur gift is inside”
C – “Can’t you hide it under the bed?”
Me – *wails* ” No it’s too taaaalllll….. oops”
C – *grins* “Tall? haha!!!! I know what you got me :P”


Anyhow it turns out he assumed I bought him a computer sound system and not the real deal so it was a half surprise atleast šŸ˜€

3). The partaaay – A common practice with our closest cirlce of friends is to throw a memorable do for each others b’day. No one’s b’day is missed. Ever. It all starts with an email thread of party planning and C’s was a bbq coz he loves them. With 2 couples in the clique, the norm is for the spouse to take the lead and the others chip in with the planning etc. So the plans go all smooth and it’s a well planned typical backyard bbq which was to happen at our place. Now our backyard has no lawn. Not a problem. I go home a week and a half back and see our back and front gardens “Lawned” with C grinning ear to ear at the doorway. It was a surprise for me coz I had said I wanted to get the lawn done before Christmas. So lo and behold, a lawn was born. Now the problem? No stepping on the grass for a week and a half!!! and a week and a half was up exactly on the bbq day! No backyard = no bbq šŸ˜¦ Top that with the torrential monsoons we’ve been having and the whole thing looked doomed. So I craftily (I use that word very optimistically here) had to get my info right and kept asking C things like;

Me –“ummmm I can’t wait to walk barefoot on the lawn!!”

CĀ –Ā “Darling,no walking on the lawn for 2 weeks!”

Me –Ā “but when u say 2 weeks that means it’s ok to trample by *insert bbq date* noh?”

C – “Ah yeah, should be ok”
Me – Ā “Is it ok to like keep heavy stuff on the grass?”
C – “What heavy stuff?? :S”
Me – “ummmm like tables and stuff?”
C -“Ah!!!!! ur planning something for me noh? :P” Another -_- moment for me. So vut to do. I had to tell him šŸ˜¦

All in all it was fun and I think he had a good time. Some pics below šŸ™‚

Low key on D-day. Dinner cooked by me šŸ™‚

There was dessert too! Nigella's Instant Chocolate Mousse! A whole new post on that later!

I think 3 b'day cakes is a record! :s This is what the hotel had kept ready for us when we got there šŸ™‚

and a Pagoda chocolate cake on his birthday itself, u can't have a b'day with no cake can u?

And the masterpiece! Another Nigella recipe. Black Lady. Sinful,sticky and delish! My decor skills need improvement though :S This was for the bbq day.